Vaidik Yoga

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Showing posts with label Relaxation Yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relaxation Yoga. Show all posts


Why should you practice yoga today?

7 reasons you should practice yoga today.

Yoga is a physical training method that goes back thousands of years in India. Yoga is designed to help people have a more positive outlook on life, peace and peace. The word " yoga " itself means " to bond " and " to bond ". However, many people when practicing yoga do not attach the soul and concentration required of yoga, so most people think that yoga is just a combination of flexing movements, limbs and the whole body. .

In fact, the above thought is quite possible. It takes years of practice to be able to try pulling your legs behind your head. Yoga actually offers more benefits than being a flexible, flexible and healthy body. People of all ages, shapes and health can practice yoga and adjust their bodies to suit their own needs and purposes.

If you still think that yoga is not right for you, think again. Here are 7 reasons you should practice yoga as soon as possible . Invite you to consult!

1. Yoga is a great exercise

Yoga is a great exercise

The first and obvious reason everyone knows that yoga is a really good exercise for the body . You can adjust the movements yourself to match the speed and level at which you are truly comfortable. No matter which yoga move you choose, doing it is always a great exercise. There are many groups of movements suitable for different days and suitable for all subjects; This means that there is no reason to delay starting yoga as soon as possible and choose the best yoga mat .

2. Yoga helps to connect with the body

Yoga helps to connect with the body

Yoga stretching exercises are built around the idea of ​​helping the body move to improve health and endurance . As a result, regular yoga practice will actually help you connect with your body more and understand what is good or bad for your body.

Of course this is not always good, as it can be frustrating because the movements today may not be as effective as the days before. However, it has its own benefits, gradually improving health that you may not realize immediately.

3. Yoga helps to breathe more properly

Yoga helps to breathe more technically

A very important part of yoga is breathing , also known as " pranayama ", which is associated with doing yoga moves. Moves that encourage the practitioner to breathe focus, focus on breathing ( which we often do subconsciously ), help the practitioner manage stress effectively and thereby make us feel cold. see better.

Also, for people with asthma, yoga breathing really helps them open up the chest and explore the effects of focused breathing. Believe and practice the yoga breathing method and you will see the benefits it brings.

4. Yoga helps to improve sleep quality

Yoga helps to improve the quality of sleep

One small but important benefit to yoga practitioners is getting deeper, more quality sleep. This can be the result of the gentle movements and stretches of muscle mass that the practitioner performs before bed. Regardless, however, studies have shown that light physical activity before going to bed helps to fall asleep faster and thus to sleep better.

This result can be attributed to the fact that you are a hard person to sleep and so through yoga the symptoms of pain are reduced and the likelihood of a good night's sleep is greatly increased. Another possibility is that most yoga poses include late stage relaxation and thanks to the help of falling asleep faster and easier. Some people even doze off in class. Trust me, this treatment is really effective and should be done at home.

5. Yoga helps to improve body shape

Yoga helps improve fitness

Yoga is a relatively effective method to help build and maintain the standard body, posture, sitting posture because it involves breathing and postures that require your back to be straight to be effective. Best. Having good shape is a sure thing if you practice yoga on a regular basis.

In the beginning, your posture will be slightly down, standing, sitting is typical for those who usually do desk work, but practicing yoga will help you gradually stretch your spine and back will gradually back tense ; As a result, your figure will look taller and you will feel truly better.

6. Yoga helps to be healthy both physically and mentally

Yoga helps to be healthy both physically and mentally

Another effect of yoga helps you get strength and mind on a level you never thought of. The main goal of yoga is to develop physical strength so that you can meditate for longer, and muscle relaxation exercises will ensure a healthy body.

The yoga breathing exercises will increase the volume of the lungs and thanks to the good working of the lungs plus large expansion will increase the health and activity of the muscles. Along with that, yoga moves force you to focus on the movements and when meditating, you need to be calm and focused; thereby reducing stress and improving mental strength .

7. Meditation helps a better life

Meditation makes your life better

Meditation is the key to yoga. Although difficult movements can be performed, if not done in a concentrated manner, it will not be effective. Over time, meditation has shown the practical benefit that people can have if they do it every day.

Meditation does not have to be done with chanting, in a dark room with incense. In fact, you can meditate in any quiet place and any time you like. Just spend 5 minutes sitting alone in a quiet and peaceful place . Meditation enhances quality of life by allowing the mind to remove all anxiety and stress. This is an important and indispensable part of yoga practice. It can really change your life, helping you stay calm and serene in any difficult situation.

How often do we figure a person doing the headstand against some picturesque backdrop and say ‘yoga is not for me’? You might want to revisit your thought once you go through these 9 unique beginners’ yoga tips. This is an easy way to initiate your yoga practice and reap the benefits yoga has to offer. Read them and find yourself doing yoga against a picturesque backdrop instead.


Yoga Tips for Beginners 

Yoga Tips for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners

  1.  Yoga A New Dimension to Life
  2.  Take the Experts Help to Learn Yoga
  3.  Dress Comfortably!
  4.  Be a Regular Yogi
  5.  Stay Light!
  6.  Warm-up before Hitting the Yoga Mat
  7.  Challenge Your Limits – One Step at a Time
  8.  Every Yoga Asana Is Unique, Just Like You
  9.  Relax to Recharge! - Yoga Tips


1. Yoga for Beginners

As a beginner, often we equate yoga with some tough, limb-twisting poses. And aren't you sometimes concerned that: "I can't even touch my toes, how can I do yoga?" Yoga is not about touching your toes, or stretching 98 degrees to your northeast. It’s a simple process of uniting with yourself - using your breath, body and mind. And it’s easy and effortless.

So, never mind if you're not Ms. Flexible or Mr. Stretchable, or are venturing into yoga at the age of 40, or you have secret love handles that are stressing you out - just remove all those myths before beginning your yoga practice! The only one watching you is yourself - so just relax. This journey will bring much joy and relaxation to you!

2.Take the Experts Help to Learn Yoga

If you have a medical condition, inform your Sri Sri Yoga instructor prior to the commencement of your yoga training. It will help the teacher customize your yoga asana practice and avoid any complications or injuries.

3 Dress Comfortably!

Wear comfortable clothing while going for the yoga class or when practicing yoga at home. Also, avoid wearing belts or excessive jewelry as it could get in the way of your yoga practice.

4. Be a Regular Yogi

Although it’s best to practice yoga asanas early in the morning, any time of the day is fine till you are regular with your practice. If mornings don’t suit your schedule, don’t let it be an excuse to give up practicing yoga completely!

5. Stay Light!

It is advised to practice on an empty stomach or at least 2-3 hours after your last meal. Also, it’s advised to have at least three to four liters of water during the day as it will help you to flush the toxins that are released during your yoga practice, out of the body.

6. Warm-up before Hitting the Yoga Mat

Sukshma Vyayam or gentle warm-up exercises help loosen up the body and prepare it for the yoga asanas coming ahead. Here are a few warm up exercises:

> Massaging the head, brows, nose and cheeks: Whenever we make a mistake, we instinctively place a hand on the head. This is a sign that blood circulation in the brain is less and a massage is needed!

> Rotate your neck, both clockwise and anticlockwise to relieve any stiffness.

> Pump your shoulders and shake those hands to shrug off the lethargy.

7. Challenge Your Limits – One Step at a Time

The ancient yogic text, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, defines yoga asana as Sthira Sukham Asanam. Do only as much as you comfortably can and then just stretch a bit more (to improve body flexibility). Remember to use the breath as a reference point - when it is light and long, then the muscles begin to relax; but when the breath is jagged or uneven, it means you have over-exerted.

Going slightly beyond your comfort zone will keep the yoga practice interesting and will add a spark of challenge as you progress and adopt new yoga asanas.

8. Every Yoga Asana Is Unique, Just Like You

Wherever you stand in your yoga practice, be happy with it and don’t compare yourself to other students in the yoga class. Remember that each body type is unique and different people are at different levels of expertise. Some might easily perform a particular yoga asana, while others may need a little more time and practice to get there. Therefore, don't feel pressurized and over-exert yourself. Your flexibility and efficiency in doing yoga postures will improve with regular practice.

Do not be alarmed if you experience some soreness in the muscles during the initial days of the practice. But if the pain persists, inform your instructor immediately. The crux here is to be regular with your yoga practice and have patience. Just like any other discipline, it will take some time for the body to get used to the yoga asanas.

9. Relax to Recharge! - Yoga Tips

As you complete your yoga asana practice, don't be in a great hurry to get up and start moving about with the tasks lined up for the day. It is a good idea to lie down in Yoga Nidra for a few minutes, as it helps cool down the body and consolidate the energy produced through yoga asana practice. Yoga Nidra is also beneficial in completely relaxing the mind and body after the yoga workout.


You will be able to experience the subtler and deeper benefits of yoga in due time only if you stay regular with your practice. Yoga encompasses yoga asanas, timeless ancient philosophy, pranayamas (breathing techniques) and meditations, which take you beyond the body level, offering a deeper spiritual experience.

Your body is like the wick of a candle and the mind is like the glow all around it. It is the "Prana" or life force in us that nourishes the mind and keeps the body alive. "Pranayama" means working in the dimension of "prana".

The Prana creates an aura around the body. Every problem first generates in the subtle and then surfaces on the physical level. Sickness shows up in your Prana (Pranic Body) much before you get sick physically. Pranayama clears the whole energy around you, expands your aura and heightens the spirit. It brings clarity to the mind and good health to the body.

So, give yourself some of your valuable time and be patient for the results that will make you more flexible, healthy, calm, efficient and zealous. Happy practicing yogis!


 Suffice it to say, some immediately inspiring events are happening in the world right now. And because of that, a lot of people are looking for moments of peace where they are - which can be difficult when you are still socially isolated. When you may not be able to travel, be in close proximity with friends and family, or steam in your go-to fitness studio, including some yoga poses and other effective at calming uncomfortable feelings at home There are ways. Relieved that you don't have to be a yogi to try.

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Supta Baddha Konasana, or Reclined Bound Angle pose requires you to lay on your back, soles of the feet touching, knees bent and dropped to either side, creating a diamond shape. "[This] is a restorative posture that opens the hips and the hearts," says Johanna to The Zoe Report. "By placing a palm on the heart and the belly, you will feel your breath begin to slow down and can deepen the inhale to originate in the lower abdomen. In doing so, the arasympathetic nervous system will activate bringing the brain and body back into a state of rest."

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Mountain Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Mountain Pose

To get into Tadasna, or mountain pose, simply stand with feet about hip's width apart, head in line with your pelvis, and chin parallel to the floor. You can do this one with your upper body a few different ways, including hands in rayer position in front of the heart, or arms by your sides, palms facing forward and feeling a gentle stretch from your shoulders through your fingertips. "While this pose is done standing, the effects of grounding your feet into the earth (especially in grass) creates an instant calming effect," explains Johanna. "Visualize roots planting your feet into the earth to feel the grounding sensation of this foundational posture. Bring your palms to your heart and your belly, elongating the breath, to activate the relaxation response"

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Corpse Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Corpse Pose

Savasana, or corpse pose, is traditionally done to close a yoga practice, because of its restorative benefits. "For total relaxation, lying in Savasana is a gentle and accessible way to feel the grounding and calming effects of restorative yoga," says Johanna. To make yourself even more comfortable, the yogi suggests placing a pillow under your knees, which can alleviate tension in the lower back and allow you to more deeply release.

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Easy Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Easy Pose

"Sukhasana, or Easy pose, is the ultimate pose for shifting into a meditative state and when paired with equal ratio breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system," says Johanna of this cross-legged, seated posture. "To practice, inhale for a count of five, hold at the top for a count of five, exhale for a count of five, and hold at the bottom for five. Repeat this breath pattern for five minutes to feel the effects of the relaxation response."

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Modified Child's Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Modified Child's Pose

Start by getting into child's pose, seated on your heels, the tops of your feet pressing into the mat or floor, and pressing your chest toward your thighs. For this modification, instead of reaching the arms forward, let them extend behind you, with the backs of your hands against the floor. "Similar to child's pose, but focusing on the release of the backs of the shoulders, mimics the position of an embryo in the womb," Johanna explains. "With the forehead resting on the mat, you will feel an instant calming effect while the lower and upper body gently opens."