6 Yoga Poses For Relaxation That Can Provide Instant Relief From Stress - Vaidik Yoga


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Thursday 10 December 2020

6 Yoga Poses For Relaxation That Can Provide Instant Relief From Stress

 Suffice it to say, some immediately inspiring events are happening in the world right now. And because of that, a lot of people are looking for moments of peace where they are - which can be difficult when you are still socially isolated. When you may not be able to travel, be in close proximity with friends and family, or steam in your go-to fitness studio, including some yoga poses and other effective at calming uncomfortable feelings at home There are ways. Relieved that you don't have to be a yogi to try.

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Supta Baddha Konasana, or Reclined Bound Angle pose requires you to lay on your back, soles of the feet touching, knees bent and dropped to either side, creating a diamond shape. "[This] is a restorative posture that opens the hips and the hearts," says Johanna to The Zoe Report. "By placing a palm on the heart and the belly, you will feel your breath begin to slow down and can deepen the inhale to originate in the lower abdomen. In doing so, the arasympathetic nervous system will activate bringing the brain and body back into a state of rest."

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Mountain Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Mountain Pose

To get into Tadasna, or mountain pose, simply stand with feet about hip's width apart, head in line with your pelvis, and chin parallel to the floor. You can do this one with your upper body a few different ways, including hands in rayer position in front of the heart, or arms by your sides, palms facing forward and feeling a gentle stretch from your shoulders through your fingertips. "While this pose is done standing, the effects of grounding your feet into the earth (especially in grass) creates an instant calming effect," explains Johanna. "Visualize roots planting your feet into the earth to feel the grounding sensation of this foundational posture. Bring your palms to your heart and your belly, elongating the breath, to activate the relaxation response"

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Corpse Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Corpse Pose

Savasana, or corpse pose, is traditionally done to close a yoga practice, because of its restorative benefits. "For total relaxation, lying in Savasana is a gentle and accessible way to feel the grounding and calming effects of restorative yoga," says Johanna. To make yourself even more comfortable, the yogi suggests placing a pillow under your knees, which can alleviate tension in the lower back and allow you to more deeply release.

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Easy Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Easy Pose

"Sukhasana, or Easy pose, is the ultimate pose for shifting into a meditative state and when paired with equal ratio breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system," says Johanna of this cross-legged, seated posture. "To practice, inhale for a count of five, hold at the top for a count of five, exhale for a count of five, and hold at the bottom for five. Repeat this breath pattern for five minutes to feel the effects of the relaxation response."

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Modified Child's Pose

Yoga Pose For Relaxation: Modified Child's Pose

Start by getting into child's pose, seated on your heels, the tops of your feet pressing into the mat or floor, and pressing your chest toward your thighs. For this modification, instead of reaching the arms forward, let them extend behind you, with the backs of your hands against the floor. "Similar to child's pose, but focusing on the release of the backs of the shoulders, mimics the position of an embryo in the womb," Johanna explains. "With the forehead resting on the mat, you will feel an instant calming effect while the lower and upper body gently opens."

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