Vaidik Yoga

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A good night's sleep is very important for your health.

It is just as important as eating healthy and exercising.

Unfortunately, there are many things that can interfere with natural sleep patterns.

People are now getting less sleep than before, and the quality of sleep is also declining.

Here are 10 reasons why good sleep is important.

1. Poor sleep is associated with excess body weight

Poor sleep is strongly associated with weight gain.

People with shorter sleep periods weigh significantly more than those who get enough sleep

In fact, short sleep periods are one of the strongest risk factors for obesity.

In a comprehensive review study, children and adults with shorter sleep periods were 89% and 55% more likely to be obese, respectively.

The effect of sleep on weight gain is thought to be mediated by a number of factors, including hormones and motivation to exercise.

If you are trying to lose weight, getting quality sleep is crucial.

2. Good sleep can improve concentration and productivity

Sleep is important for various aspects of brain function.

These include intelligence, concentration, productivity and performance

Lack of sleep has all these negative effects.

The study on medical intern provides a good example.

 Interns on a traditional schedule with extended working hours of more than 24 hours made 36% more serious medical errors than interns on a schedule that allowed more sleep.

Another study found that short sleep can have a negative effect on certain aspects of brain function, such as alcohol intoxication.

On the other hand, good sleep has been shown to improve problem-solving skills and enhance the memory of both children and adults.


3. Poor sleepers have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke

Sleep quality and duration can have a big impact on many health risk factors.

These are the factors that cause chronic diseases, including heart disease.

A review of 15 studies found that people who did not get enough sleep had a higher risk of heart disease or stroke than those who got 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

4. Poor sleep is associated with depression

Mental health problems, such as depression, are strongly associated with poor sleep quality and sleep disorders.

It is estimated that 90% of people with depression complain about poor sleep quality

Poor sleep is also associated with an increased risk of dying from suicide

People with sleep disorders such as insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea also report significantly higher rates than people without depression.

5. Sleep improves your immune function

Even a slight loss of sleep weakens the immune system

A large 2-week study observed the development of a common cold after people were given nasal drops with the common cold virus.

They found that people who slept less than 7 hours were about 3 times more likely to catch a cold than those who slept 8 hours or more.

If you have frequent colds, making sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep each night can be very helpful. Eating more garlic can also help.

6. Sleep affects emotions and social interactions

Sleep deprivation reduces your ability to socialize.

This has been confirmed by several studies using emotional facial recognition tests

One study found that people who did not sleep had a reduced ability to recognize the expressions of anger and happiness.

Researchers believe that poor sleep affects your ability to recognize important social cues and process emotional information.

 Bottom line

Good sleep along with nutrition and exercise is one of the pillars of health.

You just can't get better health without taking care of your sleep.


Why should you practice yoga today?

7 reasons you should practice yoga today.

Yoga is a physical training method that goes back thousands of years in India. Yoga is designed to help people have a more positive outlook on life, peace and peace. The word " yoga " itself means " to bond " and " to bond ". However, many people when practicing yoga do not attach the soul and concentration required of yoga, so most people think that yoga is just a combination of flexing movements, limbs and the whole body. .

In fact, the above thought is quite possible. It takes years of practice to be able to try pulling your legs behind your head. Yoga actually offers more benefits than being a flexible, flexible and healthy body. People of all ages, shapes and health can practice yoga and adjust their bodies to suit their own needs and purposes.

If you still think that yoga is not right for you, think again. Here are 7 reasons you should practice yoga as soon as possible . Invite you to consult!

1. Yoga is a great exercise

Yoga is a great exercise

The first and obvious reason everyone knows that yoga is a really good exercise for the body . You can adjust the movements yourself to match the speed and level at which you are truly comfortable. No matter which yoga move you choose, doing it is always a great exercise. There are many groups of movements suitable for different days and suitable for all subjects; This means that there is no reason to delay starting yoga as soon as possible and choose the best yoga mat .

2. Yoga helps to connect with the body

Yoga helps to connect with the body

Yoga stretching exercises are built around the idea of ​​helping the body move to improve health and endurance . As a result, regular yoga practice will actually help you connect with your body more and understand what is good or bad for your body.

Of course this is not always good, as it can be frustrating because the movements today may not be as effective as the days before. However, it has its own benefits, gradually improving health that you may not realize immediately.

3. Yoga helps to breathe more properly

Yoga helps to breathe more technically

A very important part of yoga is breathing , also known as " pranayama ", which is associated with doing yoga moves. Moves that encourage the practitioner to breathe focus, focus on breathing ( which we often do subconsciously ), help the practitioner manage stress effectively and thereby make us feel cold. see better.

Also, for people with asthma, yoga breathing really helps them open up the chest and explore the effects of focused breathing. Believe and practice the yoga breathing method and you will see the benefits it brings.

4. Yoga helps to improve sleep quality

Yoga helps to improve the quality of sleep

One small but important benefit to yoga practitioners is getting deeper, more quality sleep. This can be the result of the gentle movements and stretches of muscle mass that the practitioner performs before bed. Regardless, however, studies have shown that light physical activity before going to bed helps to fall asleep faster and thus to sleep better.

This result can be attributed to the fact that you are a hard person to sleep and so through yoga the symptoms of pain are reduced and the likelihood of a good night's sleep is greatly increased. Another possibility is that most yoga poses include late stage relaxation and thanks to the help of falling asleep faster and easier. Some people even doze off in class. Trust me, this treatment is really effective and should be done at home.

5. Yoga helps to improve body shape

Yoga helps improve fitness

Yoga is a relatively effective method to help build and maintain the standard body, posture, sitting posture because it involves breathing and postures that require your back to be straight to be effective. Best. Having good shape is a sure thing if you practice yoga on a regular basis.

In the beginning, your posture will be slightly down, standing, sitting is typical for those who usually do desk work, but practicing yoga will help you gradually stretch your spine and back will gradually back tense ; As a result, your figure will look taller and you will feel truly better.

6. Yoga helps to be healthy both physically and mentally

Yoga helps to be healthy both physically and mentally

Another effect of yoga helps you get strength and mind on a level you never thought of. The main goal of yoga is to develop physical strength so that you can meditate for longer, and muscle relaxation exercises will ensure a healthy body.

The yoga breathing exercises will increase the volume of the lungs and thanks to the good working of the lungs plus large expansion will increase the health and activity of the muscles. Along with that, yoga moves force you to focus on the movements and when meditating, you need to be calm and focused; thereby reducing stress and improving mental strength .

7. Meditation helps a better life

Meditation makes your life better

Meditation is the key to yoga. Although difficult movements can be performed, if not done in a concentrated manner, it will not be effective. Over time, meditation has shown the practical benefit that people can have if they do it every day.

Meditation does not have to be done with chanting, in a dark room with incense. In fact, you can meditate in any quiet place and any time you like. Just spend 5 minutes sitting alone in a quiet and peaceful place . Meditation enhances quality of life by allowing the mind to remove all anxiety and stress. This is an important and indispensable part of yoga practice. It can really change your life, helping you stay calm and serene in any difficult situation.

1.Bridge yoga pose - Sethu bandha Sarvangasana

Level: Beginner

Benefits: Strengthens the back, buttocks, and hamstrings. Opens chest and hips and stretches the neck spine, chest and hips. Helps relieve back pain, improves digestion and can help relieve headaches. Improves blood circulation and calms the brain and nervous system. Great beginning pose to help create spinal flexibility for more challenging back bend poses.

How to do bridge pose

• supported for normal back pain

•  Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent directly over your heels

• Place arms at sides, palms down. Exhale and press your feet into the floor as you lift your hips high

• Clasp hands under lower back and press arms down, lifting hips until they are parallel to the. floor, bringing your chest towards your chin.

• Hold pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing steadily and easily Exit

 2.Sphinx pose - Salamba Bhujangasana

Level: Beginner

Benefit: The Sphinx Pose is a modified version of the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana). Like the Cobra pose, it lengthens the abdominal muscles, strengthens the spine, and firms the buttocks while stretching and opening the chest, lungs, and shoulders, but it distributes weight on the forearms rather than the wrist, and creates a slightly less curve to the spine.

How to do sphinx pose

  • • Begin by lying face down on the floor with your legs extended behind you, hip width apart.

  • inhale and bring your arms forward, pressing your forearms into the floor.

  • This will lift your shoulders off the ground. Press your shoulders backward and your pubic bone down into the floor, creating a small bow in your spine.
  •  Hold for 10-20 seconds and then exhale as you slowly lower your torso, head and chest back to the floor.

3.Wheel pose -Urdhva Dhanurasana

Level: Intermediated

Benefits: Good relief for back pain, helps stretch the lungs and chest and strengthens the legs, abdomen, buttocks, arms and wrists. Helps improve blood circulation to the entire body.

How to do wheel pose

• Start lying flat on your back on a yoga mat with your arms at your sides. Bend then knees and place arms up overhead.

• Bend your elbows and place palms on floor on either side of your head, extending elbows upward.

• Inhale and lift your shoulders off the yoga mat by pressing palms against the floor and lifting your hips toward the roof. As you lift your body off the floor, take care to not put any pressure on the head or neck. Once you are raised, you can allow your head to drop back loosely.

• Hold position for 10-50 seconds, breathing normally. 

• Step 5: Exit pose by slowly lowering body back down to mat.

4.Bow Pose - Dhanurasana

Level: Intermediate

Benefits: Stimulates the function of kidney and liver and massages the abdominal organs, which can help relieve constipation. Strengthens and gives the flexibility for the back muscles. Strengthens the ankles, thighs, groins and chest and relieves back pain. Helps to shape the body and improves the posture. Opens up the chest, neck and shoulders and tones the leg and arm muscles. Improves core strength.

How to do bow pose

• Lie on your belly on the ground. Bending your legs backwards and grasp the ankles with the hands.

• Pull your ankles forward with your hands, drawing your shoulders back towards your feet until your torso lifts off the ground forming a bow shape with your body. Only your stomach and pelvic area should remain on the ground, supporting your entire body weight. 

•  Hold this position for 20 -60 seconds before releasing back down to mat.

5.Camel Pose-Ustrasana

Level: Intermediate

How to do Camel Pose

Benefit: Helps improve flexibility in the spine, which helps avoid lower back pain problems. This yoga asana opens and stretches the hips and chest, which also helps increase oxygen intake and strengthens the arms and thigh                  

•Kneel on your yoga mat and place hands on hips, making sure that shoulders and knees are in alignment and the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling.

• Inhale slowly and imagine a cord pulling you for ward from the navel. As your back slowly arches, reach behind you and grab your heels. Your neck should be in a neutral position so it does not strain.

• Hold position for 30-60 seconds breathing normally, before returning to starting pose. Advanced yogis can deepen into the Little Thunderbolt Pose.


It can be said that in today's developed society, YOGA is becoming more and more familiar and close to many people, especially our office people - who have little time to move due to the specific work. Before going any deeper into this sport, we should have an overview of YOGA.

1. What is YOGA?

Certainly, we hear from the YOGA a lot, everywhere, the media, the advertising, the media ... but the nature of YOGA is not certain we all know. According to history books, YOGA is a method of training the body (combining spirit and body), originating in India, and this method requires quite strict, methodical and concentration training regime. high. Other information you can search yourself, because it is available on the Internet today.

2. Basic YOGA poses and movements:

Wait, what do you guys need to have before you get started? That is the YOGA practice mat, everyone can refer to some of the best- selling yoga mats.

Posture 01: Mountain - Mountain posture:

·         Stand up straight with 2 feet, relax both shoulders, the weight of the body will be spread evenly across the feet, the hands are placed on both sides.

·         Take a deep breath, slowly raise your hands, palms facing each other, and create your body in a straight line from under your feet to your fingertips.

Mountain - Mountain posture:
Mountain - Mountain posture

Position 02: Downward Dog - Dog bow:

·         True to its name, the dog bowed. Imagine how the dog bowed, I did it, with both hands and feet touching the ground (or practice mat), hands lower than shoulders, knees lower than hips (of course!)

·         Slowly press your toes down, then gradually push your hips up, turning your body into an inverted V-shape, gradually widening your shoulders. At the same time 2 legs spread hip-width apart, then knees gradually dropped.

·         Hold that position for 3 breaths.

Downward Dog - Dog bow

Posture 03: Warrior - Warrior:

·         Stand in a two-foot style that is approximately 1 meter apart, right foot facing forward, and left foot 90 degrees toward right foot.

·         Put your hands on your hips, relax your shoulders, then gradually raise your arms to shoulder height, palms face down.

·         Gradually bend the right knee to a 90 degree angle, so that the knee is aligned with the ankle, looking towards the right hand, maintain that position for 1 minute.

·         Switch to the other side and repeat.


Posture 04: Tree - Tree shape:

·         Stand up straight, hands straight hips.

·         Pull the right leg up to touch the left thigh, the body weight will be on the left leg, the hips will be straight forward.

·         While keeping your balance, gradually raise your hands above your head, like a prayer posture. Palms facing each other, can touch palms together or keep distance, so that arms are straight.

·         Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.

Tree Shape

Posture 05: Bridge - Bridge:

·         Relax, stretch your chest, thighs, and spine.

·         Lie on the floor, practice mat, place hands on both sides, palms face down on the floor. Then, exhale lightly, pressing your feet to the floor, gradually lifting your hips up.

·         Keep your arms touching the floor, trying to lift your hips up until thighs are parallel to the floor, chest up toward chin. Hold this position for 1 minute.

·         To make this pose easier, you should place a pillow or small cloth on the tailbone.

Bridge Yoga

Posture 06: Triangle - Triangle:

·         It is easy to imagine, stretching both arms on both sides, then gradually leaning to the left.

·         Stand so that your feet are about 80 to 90 centimeters apart, your right foot forms a 90 degree angle, while your left leg tries to be 45 degrees.

·         Now for this difficult part, pull down with your left hand until it touches the floor, or touch your left leg, remember to stretch your toes.

·         Look up towards the ceiling, in the direction of your right hand, and stay in that position for 5 breaths.

·         Stand up straight, switch sides and continue practicing.


Position 07: Seated Twist - Swivel sit:

·         Straighten shoulders, hips, and back.

·         Get started, sit on the floor or the carpet, legs stretched out.

·         Cross your right leg across your left thigh, and of course your left right knee is bent, pointing up towards the ceiling.

·         Try to twist your body to the right, as much as possible, move your abs, and don't forget to keep your butt in place. Hold this position for about 1 minute.

·         Switch sides and repeat.

·         Note that to practice this movement easily, you should place your left leg straight on the floor, both hands on your right thigh.

Seated Twist

Position 08: Cobra - Cobra:

·         Because our bodies cannot be as tough as snakes, we can only do this: lying on their stomach, hands down on the floor, practice mat, leg straightening, instep resting on the floor.

·         This part is difficult: stretching the buttocks and pushing the hips down (feels like twisting glutes).

·         Shoulders step back down, away from ears.

·         Push your hand slowly from the thumb to the floor, gradually lifting your chest up (like a solid head-up position).

·         Then gradually relax your shoulders, repeat the movement.


Posture 09: Pigeon - Pigeon:

This exercise mainly helps us to have toned, strong and beautiful butt muscles

·         Start with the same posture as doing push-ups, with palms facing up, directly below the shoulders.

·         Lower your forearms, slowly starting to pull your right leg up so that your big toe and instep touch the floor.

·         Chest up, eyes down.

·         If your body is supple type, try to push your chest down on the floor while stretching your arms out in front of you.

·         Bend the pillow towards the floor, then release it gradually. Repeat 5 times, then switch sides and continue.


Position 10: Child - Child:

·         Try to sit comfortably on the soles of your feet.

·         Gradually pull the torso forward, forehead touching the floor.

·         Gradually lower the chest closer to the knees (so that it is still comfortable), gradually stretch your arms forward.

·         Hold that position and breathe evenly

Child Pose

Above are some of the basic postures of YOGA - exercise method to improve health, combining body and spirit, very good for those who want to improve fitness, physique but have little conditions, movement time. Good luck!